WMS cloud
Este o aplicatie Web&mobile stocata in cloud ce permite desfasurarea intregii activitati de management a depozitelor unei firme, independenta de platfoma hard pe care ruleaza (desktop / tableta / telefon / terminal portabil).
Ofera trasabilitate completa, de la receptie marfa, etichetare, pana la productie si livrare.
Cost reduction
administrative and operational
Significant reduction
of errors due to the human factor
Visualization and processing
real-time information

Reducing time
delivery of orders
Inventory optimization
and reducing expired items
Easy mapping
of a new warehouse
the degree of customer satisfaction

Usual reports in logistics services
Occupancy rate
per europallet, cell, shelf, row, warehouse
Goods turnover rate
- No days to keep a pallet
- Trends for the next period
Stocks during the period
- Input / output flow for the previous period
- Flow in stock
- Number of pallets
Orders delivered completely on time
Employee performance
Number of pallet movements / hour
Financial reports
- Sales per period / warehouse / customer
- Custom reports on request
Do you have another type of business?
We will develop the digital solutions you need, customized according to your requirements.
Functionalitati disponiblie in aplicatia WMS:
- Infostoc gestiuni
- Infostoc firma
- Informatii articole
- Intrari de la furnizori – creare documente de intrare marfa, cu finalizare prin aviz/factura
- Intrari de la subunitati
Transferuri articole intre gestiuni
- Iesiri - cu facture fiscala sau aviz de iesire, catre clienti/subunitati
- Onorare comenzi - facturare a unei comenzi existente
- Comenzi client – creare comanda client
- Dispozitii de livrare
- Inventariere per articole/colete/rulouri per clase de articole/locatii
Etichetare articole
- Printare etichete prin scanare produs/cautare dupa denumire
- Predare neconforme
- Management rulouri
- Picking